Dr Werner Balogh lectures PBL-A Classes of SEIC
2016.1.27 and 1.28
Dr. Balogh was invited to participate in the PBL classes of 27 and 28 January. In addition to presenting a prepared talk, he listened to MIC (Mission Idea Contest of UNISEC) presentations by PBL students of Group A and Group B. He provided several constructive comments and suggestions for both groups of PBL students ? this strengthens their contest entries for MIC4 in Turkey this year.
Dr Balogh’s prepared talk covered topics related to the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs and related to space debris and de-orbiting technology. He delivered this presentation to Group A [27 Jan.] and to Group B [28 Jan.] (click here to view this presentation).
Group A is doing a paper design of a lunar mission satellite (under 50 kg in size). Group B is doing a paper design of a mission to observe sand dunes (also under 50 kg in size).

Dr. Balogh and Group A

Group A delivers MIC presentation

Dr. Balogh and Group B
In summary: the Kyutech PBL students gained a lot from the lectures and comments by the special guest from the United Nations in Vienna. Certainly they learned quite a bit about the UN’s support for capacity building in the space sector. It is productive to bring outside experts to speak before SEIC students because this exposure broadens their view of space technology.